Refund Policy

At Hotel Casa Riva Surat, we value customer satisfaction. However, our general policy is that we do not offer refunds. Refunds will only be processed in crucial cases at our discretion. All rights to determine the eligibility for a refund remain solely with Hotel Casa Riva Surat.

Refund Process:

  1. Requesting a Refund: To request a refund, you must email us at
  2. Review of Request: Each refund request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Approval is not guaranteed and is subject to our evaluation.
  3. Refund Decision: We reserve the right to make the final decision regarding the issuance of any refund.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For any questions or further assistance, please contact our customer service team at +917778885885 / +917778934777.